The Dark Leaves

Matt Pond PA The Dark Leaves Album

6.Brooklyn Fawn

there's a fawn with brown eyes
a broken hoof from brooklyn stars
a summer night

i dreamt i learned how not to speak,
let go of words,
let go of her - to let her be

there's a fawn in all my dreams,
i guard the sun,
i guard the moon - i don't need sleep

with my mouth i shake the leaves
your eyes get wide you want to leave

when i write my clumsy heart
will crack it's cage, shoot stars apart

last night i tore through the cupboards
the medicine already gone
i stumbled past the discovery
willing and waiting for dawn

i believe i know what's right
what comes into long brooklyn nights

with belief the moon will rise,
give to the shore then turn the tide

there's a fawn of city trees,
of sidewalk trees she won't belong,
no not to me

there's a fawn with brown eyes
a broken hoof from brooklyn stars
a summer night